Toward Practical Application of Factor Method for Estimating Service Life of Building
Takashi Nireki*1 Kenji Motohashi*2 Tatsuo Inukai*3 |
Service life planning, Service life estimation, Factor method, Durability, Degradation
Estimation of service life is a prominent important phase in the procedure of the service life planning. Among various available estimation methods for a whole building and building components, the Factor Method, modification of reference service life by factors to take into account of the specific in use conditions (defined in ISO 15686-1), would be one of the realistic and practical method at present stage until the another alternative methods would be improved.On the basis of the method, the estimated service life in year can be obtained by a simple equation, multiplication of メReference service lifeモ and several メspecific in use conditionsモ ミ quality of component, design and maintenance level, environment etc. Hence the reliability and applicability of the calculated estimated service life is fully depend upon the setting of reference service life and items in the equation.
In view of the fact that relatively small amount of information has been reported on the principle of this method and also few works conducted pertaining to the applied results of this method, this paper investigates into the necessary performance data to establish the reference service life, the way and measures for preparation or classification of each factor, and it also shows some details that have been worked out in the performance based service planning system in Japan. The paper also points out that further investigation of the factor method could contribute to quantify and categorize the relevant items taken into consideration of service life, that would be foreseeable and unavoidable process in any other prediction system, and the factor method could be expected to apply for the stock management system as the estimation of residual service life of existing assets as well as their maintenance planning.
*1 Tsukuba Building Test Laboratory, Center for Better living, Dr. Eng.
*2 Building Research Institute, Dr. Eng.
*3 Tsukuba Building Test Laboratory, Center for Better living
9th International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components, March 2002 |